The PND (Personal Navigation Device) and Car computer are dead (pretty soon they will be). Get the details on how we made this movie and help us kill them in our in car mobile device meshing forum.
The transcript:
Hi. My name’s Rob Wray from MP3 Car. We’re doing this video blog today to give you some news. The PND, the Personal Navigation Device, it’s dying. It’s dying fast. I mean Garmin, Tom-Tom, Dash – say your final prayers. Even our beloved car computer has numbered days.
What’s killing them? A deadly virus? No. It’s an infestation. An infestation of millions of cheap globally-available connected devices. Never heard of such a device? Well, I bet you have. You have one in your pocket. This device, your mobile phone, combined with new hardware and software innovations, are allowing you to connect your mobile phone to your car and kill your Tom-Tom. Let’s go take a look.
So I’m sitting in a standard Toyota Scion. This happens to be a fancy aftermarket car stereo, but this could just as easily have been your standard display that came with your Prius or Range Rover or other luxury car. It also could have been a host of aftermarket radios and displays that have built-in video inputs.