CandyLand-The O.C. with Toddlers-Beckham's Bash
Added on 28 May 2016
Candyland, a webseries by Damian Horan, Ali Scher & Win Bates, is an off-beat, satirical comedy featuring the toddlers of the Pacific Palisades Palace (preschool of choice for the über-wealthy socially elite of Southern California.) If you want your toddler enrolled, make sure her shoes are Gucci, her backpack is Louis Vuitton, and her survival instincts are razor-sharp. Set in a world drenched in unrestrained wealth and melodrama, Candyland is a place where play dates are "penciled in," juice boxes have vintages, and recess is a social war-zone! A contemporary 90210 with twice the unneccesary drama, characters one-third the age and a new girl who wants to fit in no matter what the cost.

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